Ordering Recommendation

Use to identify cytogenetic abnormalities with diagnostic and prognostic significance in suspected or newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML). To monitor therapeutic response using specific probes, refer to Chromosome FISH, Interphase (2002298).

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Nondiluted bone marrow aspirate collected in a heparinized syringe. Also acceptable: Whole blood in green (sodium heparin). Other specimen types may be acceptable, contact the Cytogenetics Laboratory for specific specimen collection and transportation instructions.

Specimen Preparation

Transfer bone marrow to a green (sodium heparin). Transport 3 mL bone marrow. (Min: 1 mL) OR Transport 5 mL whole blood. (Min: 2 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature

Room temperature

Unacceptable Conditions

Clotted or paraffin-embedded specimens.


Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 48 hours; Frozen: Unacceptable


Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)




3-10 days

Reference Interval


Interpretive Data

Probes included: RPN1/MECOM (EVI1), EGR1, D7S486, RUNX1T1/RUNX1, KMT2A (MLL), CBFB/MYH11, and NUP98. The probe for PML/RARa; is added automatically and is performed along with the panel. However, due to the longer turnaround time required for the panel, the result of this probe is reported as soon as available and is charged separately. (See PML-RARA Translocation by FISH, ARUP test code 2002363.)

Compliance Category

Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)


If cell pellets or dropped cytogenetic slides are submitted, processing fee will not apply.
Other specimen types may be acceptable, contact the Cytogenetics Laboratory for specific specimen collection and transportation instructions.

A processing fee will be charged if this procedure is canceled, at the client's request, after the test has been set up, or if the specimen integrity is inadequate to allow culture growth. The fee will vary based on specimen type.

Hotline History


CPT Codes

88271 x7; 88275 x7


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
2002385 FISH AML Panel
3016667 EER AML Panel by FISH
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • AML Panel
  • myelogenous leukemia
  • oncology FISH probes
  • t(15;17)
  • Fluorescence in situ hybridization
  • FISH
  • acute myelogenous leukemia
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Panel by FISH