Ordering Recommendation

Diagnostic and presymptomatic testing for individuals with a clinical suspicion for or a family history of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed before age 65. A patient history form is required before testing will be performed. Informed consent is required for testing in presymptomatic adults. Testing minors for adult-onset conditions is not recommended; testing will not be performed in minors without prior approval. For additional information, please contact an ARUP genetic counselor at 800-242-2787 ext. 2141.

New York DOH Approval Status

Testing is not New York state approved. Specimens from New York clients will be sent out to a New York state-approved laboratory.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Lavender or pink (EDTA) or yellow (ACD solution A or B).
New York State Clients: Two Lavender (EDTA)

Specimen Preparation

Transport 3 mL whole blood. (Min: 2 mL)
New York State Clients: transport 8 mL (Min: 6mL) in two lavender (EDTA) tubes

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Serum or plasma; grossly hemolyzed or frozen specimens; saliva, buccal brush, or swab; FFPE tissue.


Ambient: 72 hours; Refrigerated: 2 weeks; Frozen: Unacceptable
New York State Clients: Ambient: 10 days; Refrigerated: 10 days; Frozen: Unacceptable


Massively Parallel Sequencing




10-15 days

Reference Interval

By report

Interpretive Data

Refer to report. 

Compliance Category

Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)


Genes tested: APP, PSEN1, PSEN2

Hotline History


CPT Codes

81405; 81406


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
3001586 Alzheimer's Interp 35474-6
3001672 Alzheimer's Specimen 31208-2
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD)
  • presenile dementia
  • AD
  • dementia
Early-Onset Alzheimer's Panel, Sequencing