Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotype 16 and 18 by PCR, Head and Neck
Ordering Recommendation
Use to test for human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype 16 and 18 in patients previously diagnosed with invasive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
New York DOH Approval Status
Specimen Required
Tissue containing invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
Formalin fixed (10 percent neutral buffered formalin) and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. Transport tissue block or 5 unstained 4-5 micron slides in a tissue transport kit (ARUP supply #47808) available online through eSupply using ARUP Connect™ or contact ARUP Client Services at (800) 522-2787. (Min: 4 slides)
Room temperature. Also acceptable: Refrigerated. Ship in cooled container during summer months.
FFPE specimens without tumor tissue. FFPE specimens fixed in formalin substitutes (ie., Bouen or B5 fixatives), alternative fixatives or heavy metal fixatives (B-4 or B-5). Decalcified specimens.
Anatomic source required. Pathology report requested.
If multiple specimens (blocks or slides) are sent to ARUP, they must be accompanied by one of the following: an order comment indicating that the ARUP pathologist should choose the specimen most appropriate for testing (e.g., "Choose best block"), or individual orders for each sample submitted. A Pathologist Block Selection Fee (ARUP test code 3002076) will be added to orders that utilize the first option. If multiple specimens are sent to ARUP without a request for pathologist block/slide selection or individual orders, they will be held until clarification is provided.
Ambient: Indefinitely; Refrigerated: Indefinitely; Frozen: Unacceptable
Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
Mon, Fri
1-7 days
Reference Interval
Interpretive Data
This test amplifies DNA of HPV16 and HPV18 associated with head and neck cancer. Sensitivity may be affected by specimen collection methods, stage of infection, and the presence of interfering substances. Results should be interpreted in conjunction with other available laboratory and clinical data. A negative result for HPV 16 or HPV 18 does not exclude the presence of other high-risk HPV types.
This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by ARUP Laboratories. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This test was performed in a CLIA-certified laboratory and is intended for clinical purposes.
Modified FDA
Hotline History
CPT Codes
Component Test Code* | Component Chart Name | LOINC |
2002148 | Block ID | 57723-9 |
2011935 | HPV Genotype 16 by PCR | 77399-4 |
3000415 | HPV Source | 31208-2 |
3000416 | HPV Genotype 18 by PCR | 61373-7 |
- HPV High Risk Head and Neck Cancer, Human papilloma virus
- High-risk HPV