
Time Sensitive

Ordering Recommendation

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Three renal needle core biopsies.

Specimen Preparation

Obtain Renal Biopsy Collection Kit prior to collection procedure (ARUP supply #40460) available online through eSupply using ARUP Connect™ or contact Client Services at (800) 522-2787. Special fixatives are required; collection instructions are provided with the kit. One biopsy placed in 10 percent formalin, one placed in Zeus fixative and one placed in glutaraldehyde

Storage/Transport Temperature

Room temperature. Also acceptable: Refrigerated. Ship in cooled container during summer months.

Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens submitted with nonrepresentative tissue type. Renal tissue containing no glomeruli.


Submit electronic request. If you do not have electronic ordering capability, use an ARUP Anatomic Pathology Form (#32960) with an ARUP client number. For additional technical details, contact ARUP Client Services at (800) 522-2787. Submit clinical history.


Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 48 hours; Frozen: Unacceptable


Microscopy/Immunofluorescence/Electron Microscopy




1-5 days

Reference Interval

Interpretive Data

Refer to report.

Compliance Category

Varies by Report


Detailed collection instructions are available in the Renal Biopsy Collection Kit (#40460) or can be requested by contacting ARUP Client Services at (800) 522-2787. Use of a different collection kit could result in suboptimal biopsy fixation and delays in diagnosis. To ensure timely result reporting, include with the test order: nephrologist name and contact information, patient history relating to kidney function, and indication of whether the biopsy is native or transplant. All vials must be labeled with the patient's full name and unique identifier. Avoid drying of specimens; make sure the specimens are completely submerged into the fixative and not caught on vial sides or in the threads of the cap.

Testing is ordered at the discretion of the ARUP pathologist; charges vary by individual patient.

Hotline History


CPT Codes

CPT codes vary by individual patient


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
8070000 Submitting Physician 18781-5
8070010 Clinical History 22636-5
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • Renal Biopsy
  • Kidney Biopsy
Comprehensive Kidney Biopsy Workup