Ordering Recommendation

Assess the body pool size of oxalate.

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Patient should avoid ingestion of vitamin C for 24 hours prior to sample collection.


Green (lithium or sodium heparin) or Lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2EDTA).

Specimen Preparation

Place tube on wet ice immediately after collection.  Separate plasma from cells ASAP or within 1 hour of collection. Transfer 2 mL plasma to an ARUP Standard Transport Tube and freeze immediately. (Min: 1.5 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature

CRITICAL FROZEN. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.

Unacceptable Conditions

Samples that are not plasma.  Samples not received frozen.


After separation from cells: Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: 1 week


Quantitative Spectrophotometry


Mon, Fri


1-5 days

Reference Interval

Less than or equal to 2.0 µmol/L

Interpretive Data

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by ARUP Laboratories. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This test was performed in a CLIA certified laboratory and is intended for clinical purposes.

Compliance Category

Modified FDA


Hotline History


CPT Codes



Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
2011698 Oxalate, Plasma 15085-4
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


Oxalate, Plasma