Fragile X (FMR1) with Reflex to Methylation Analysis, Fetal
Ordering Recommendation
Prenatal test for fetuses of mothers with fragile X premutations or full mutations.
New York DOH Approval Status
Specimen Required
Fetal: Cultured Amniocytes
AND Maternal Whole Blood Specimen: Lavender (EDTA), pink (K2EDTA), or yellow (ACD solution A or B).
Cultured Amniocytes: Transfer cultured amniocytes to two T-25 flasks at 80 percent confluence (Min: one T-25 flask at 80 percent confluence). Backup cultures must be retained at the client's institution until testing is complete. If ARUP receives a sample below the minimum confluence, Cytogenetics Grow and Send (ARUP test code 0040182) will be added on by ARUP, and additional charges will apply. If clients are unable to culture specimens, Cytogenetics Grow and Send should be added to initial order.
Maternal Whole Blood Specimen: Transport 2 mL whole blood. (Min: 1 mL)
Cultured Amniocytes: CRITICAL ROOM TEMPERATURE. Must be received within 48 hours of collection due to viability of cells.
Maternal Whole Blood Specimen: Room temperature.
Methylation patterns may not be fully established in early gestation; thus, methylation testing performed on chorionic villus samples may not distinguish between premutation and full mutation alleles.
Cultured Amniocytes: Room temperature: 48 hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unacceptable
Maternal Whole Blood Specimen: Room temperature: 7 days; Refrigerated: 1 month; Frozen: Unacceptable
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)/Capillary Electrophoresis
9-10 days
If culture is required, an additional 1 to 2 weeks is required for processing time.
Reference Interval
By report
Interpretive Data
Refer to report.
Phenotype | Number of CGG Repeats |
Unaffected | < 45 |
Intermediate | 45-54 |
Premutation | 55-200 |
Affected | >200 |
Laboratory Developed Test (LDT)
If a CGG repeat of 55 or greater is detected by PCR and capillary electrophoresis, methylation analysis will be added. Additional charges apply.
Hotline History
Hotline History
CPT Codes
81243; 81265 Fetal Cell Contamination (FCC); if reflexed, add 81244
Component Test Code* | Component Chart Name | LOINC |
0050548 | Maternal Contamination Study Fetal Spec | 59266-7 |
0050556 | Fragile X Allele 1 | 45321-7 |
0050558 | Fragile X Allele 2 | 45322-5 |
0050559 | Fragile X Methylation Pattern | 41107-4 |
0050612 | Maternal Contam Study, Maternal Spec | 66746-9 |
0051389 | Fragile X Fetal Specimen | 66746-9 |
2010041 | Fragile X Interpretation, Fetal | 36914-0 |
- Cytogenetics, High Resolution & Fragile X DNA (Fragile X (FMR1) Diagnostic, Fetal)
- Inherited Mental Retardation (Fragile X (FMR1) Diagnostic, Fetal)
- Martin-Bell Syndrome (Fragile X (FMR1) Diagnostic, Fetal)
- High Resolution & Fragile X DNA (Fragile X (FMR1) Diagnostic, Fetal)