Ordering Recommendation

Aid in determination of the relative amount of anti-A or anti-B present in plasma. Higher titers may be used in the evaluation of an individual's ability to mount an immune response against the cognate antigens. IgG isohemagglutinin titers cannot be performed in patients who have received monoclonal antibodies known to interfere with immunohematology testing including but not limited to andi-CD38 and anti-CD47. These monoclonal therapies interfere with testing, causing invalid IgG titer results.

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Lavender (K2EDTA), or Pink (K2EDTA).

Specimen Preparation

Do not freeze red cells. Transport 7 mL whole blood. (Min: 3 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Separator or gel tubes.


Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: Unacceptable


Qualitative Hemagglutination (HA)




1-3 days

Reference Interval

Normals are not applicable.

Interpretive Data

Compliance Category



Only IgG isohemagglutinin titers based on ABO screening results will be performed for this test.  If both IgG and IgM titers are desired, order Isohemagglutinin Titer, IgG & IgM (2000280). Specimens are screened for antibodies; if positive, antibody identification will be performed.  Titers will be performed as indicated by the isohemagglutinins detected. Additional charges will apply to antibody identification and titer testing.

Hotline History


CPT Codes

86900; if blood type is A add: 86886; if blood type is B, add: 86886; if blood type is O, add: 86886; 86886. If blood type is AB, no additional titers will be performed.


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
2000288 ABO Group ISO Interp 883-9
2000295 Anti A Titer IgG ISO 50761-6
2000296 Anti B Titer IgG ISO 50764-0
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • Anti-B Titer
  • Isohemagglutinin Titer Anti-A
  • Isohemagglutinin Titer Anti-B
  • Anti-A Titer
  • Anti-A & B Titer
Isohemagglutinin Titer, IgG