Ordering Recommendation

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Serum Separator Tube (SST). Also acceptable: Light Blue (Sodium Citrate), Green (Sodium or Lithium Heparin) or Lavender (EDTA).

Specimen Preparation

Separate from cells ASAP or within 2 hours of collection. Transfer 0.5 mL serum or plasma to an ARUP Standard Transport Tube. (Min: 0.5 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens containing particulate material.


After separation from cells: Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: Indefinitely (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)


Qualitative Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/Qualitative Western Blot


Sun-Mon, Wed-Sat


1-3 days

Reference Interval

Test Number
Reference Interval
  HTLV I/II Antibodies by ELISA Negative

Interpretive Data

This assay should not be used for blood donor screening, associated re-entry protocols, or for screening Human Cell, Tissues and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P).

Compliance Category



If HTLV I/II screen is repeatedly reactive, then HTLV I/II Confirmation by Western Blot will be added. Additional charges apply.

*Performed and Reported times indicated are for screening of the anti-HTLV. Refer to Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Types I/II Antibodies, Western Blot (0020642) for additional information regarding Performed and Reported times.

Hotline History


CPT Codes

86790; if reflexed, add 86689


Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
0051165 HTLV I/II Antibodies by ELISA 29901-6
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • HTLV 1/2
  • HTLV 1, 2 western blot confirmation
  • HTLV Types 1 & 2 confirmation
Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) Types I/II Antibodies by ELISA with Reflex to HTLV-I/II Confirmation by Western Blot