Ordering Recommendation

New York DOH Approval Status

This test is New York state approved.

Specimen Required

Patient Preparation

Serum separator tube. Also acceptable: Green (lithium heparin).

Specimen Preparation

Allow specimen to clot completely at room temperature. Separate serum or plasma from cells ASAP or within 2 hours of collection. Transfer 0.5 mL serum or plasma to an ARUP Standard Transport Tube. (Min: 0.4 mL)

Storage/Transport Temperature


Unacceptable Conditions

Specimens collected in lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2EDTA). Grossly hemolyzed specimens.


After separation from cells: Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: 6 months


Quantitative Electrochemiluminescent Immunoassay




Within 24 hours

Reference Interval

Age Male Female
1-30 days
31-364 days
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
10-12 years
13-15 years
16-17 years
18-49 years
50 years and older
13-85 nmol/L
70-250 nmol/L
50-180 nmol/L
45-175 nmol/L
28-190 nmol/L
23-160 nmol/L
13-140 nmol/L
10-60 nmol/L
17-56 nmol/L
19-76 nmol/L
14-60 nmol/L
60-215 nmol/L
60-190 nmol/L
55-170 nmol/L
35-170 nmol/L
17-155 nmol/L
11-120 nmol/L
19-145 nmol/L
25-122 nmol/L
17-125 nmol/L
Tanner Stage I
Tanner Stage II
Tanner Stage III
Tanner Stage IV
Tanner Stage V
26-186 nmol/L
22-169 nmol/L
13-104 nmol/L
11-60 nmol/L
11-71 nmol/L
30-173 nmol/L
16-127 nmol/L
12-98 nmol/L
14-151 nmol/L
23-165 nmol/L

Interpretive Data

Compliance Category


Hotline History


CPT Codes



Component Test Code* Component Chart Name LOINC
0099375 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 13967-5
* Component test codes cannot be used to order tests. The information provided here is not sufficient for interface builds; for a complete test mix, please click the sidebar link to access the Interface Map.


  • Testosterone-Estradiol Binding Globulin (TeBG)
  • Sex Steroid Binding Protein
  • SHBG
  • TeBG
  • Testosterone-Estradiol Binding Globulin
  • SBP
  • Testosterone-Estrogen Binding Globulin
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin